How To Get “Unstuck” In Your Faith Without Judgment
Apr 16, 2020
I used to sit on the sidelines watching how everyone lived and wondered what it would take for me to live a “normal” life. But what was most important to me was serving God with joy.
I felt Stuck. Lost. Lifeless.
A friend suggested that I invest in a Christian Life Coach. Of course, I responded, “Why would I spend money on a Christian Coach?” She was my friend and confidant, so why wasn’t venting to her or asking her to pray for me enough. Was it really necessary to invest in a Life Coach I wondered?

I must admit, I knew I needed help, but what would “it look” if the Pastor’s wife would start visiting a Life Coach, isn’t her life already “normal”? This is a “side-effect” of not knowing your identity in Christ and listening to the lies of Satan. I was reading scripture and praying, but there was a place of “stuck and no vision” that was heavy on my heart. The Holy Spirit had spoken to my heart with instructions, but I had not followed because of FEAR. I needed to seek wise counsel. Proverbs 15:22 says
“Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.”
Do you want to know the truth? It always helps to have someone to support you and to whom you can be accountable. It sometimes takes going to an experienced professional who can help you get from where you are to where you want to be without wasting your time and money.
I can’t count the times that I thought “retail therapy” would help my self-esteem and build self-confidence to walk in God’s purpose for my life. I looked fabulous on the outside, but the inside was “crying” for help.
I was definitely one of those people that were hesitant in making the investment for a Christian Life Coach, but today, I know the importance of serving God with JOY and walk-in My Purpose.
A Christian Life Coach can help you determine where you are, where you would like to be, what is standing in your way and what practical steps you can take to get to where you want to be.
Christian Coaching focuses on finding fulfillment and enhancing your performance by discovering God’s purpose in your life. For the Christian coach, God- not human intuition or their options – is the core of his or her being and God (Holy Spirit) is the guide for all the work.
“For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Looking back then to now this is how God used a Christian Coach in my life.
I don’t feel STUCK anymore.
I know God’s PLAN and PURPOSE in my life.
I am passionately and SUCCESSFULLY pursuing the dreams God has placed on my heart
And my relationships are THRIVING!

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In our culture today we are more distracted than ever. Smartphones, although helpful to joint down notes and schedules, can also work to derail us. If we aren’t careful to discipline ourselves to focus on what’s most important, we will continue to live frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed. Having clarity and focus over our activities does not come naturally to many, which is why coaching can help with that. I use goal-setting and focus-planning tools with my clients in order to achieve clarity and produce laser focus. This helps my clients achieve what they want to improve on or what they want to accomplish in life.
For me, this often looks like putting the phone away so I’m not distracted from doing what I want to be doing, which is: checking off an item on my to-do list, reading my Bible, reviewing my goals, spending time with my family. As a coach, I help bring clarity and focus to equip women to have success in their life.
A recent study done by the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability. The study results showed that when you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to, you’re 95% more likely to achieve that goal. That’s significant!
Compare this to a Harvard study that states only 8% of all people make goals and commit to them. This proves to have accountability, especially through someone like a trained coach, will increase your odds thereby helping you reach your goal.
Sometimes we are stuck and don’t realize that we are STUCK. We may have a desire to move forward in an area in life, but lack the confidence and belief in ourselves. The obstacle can be any hindrance that prevents you from reaching your goal. And before you know it, you’re blaming everything and everyone else but the person responsible – YOU. A Christian Coach will help you embrace self-awareness and stop ignoring the true issue. The obstacle must be faced for it to become fixed. So, what is standing in your way?
You may feel “stuck” since you moved to Germany, there could be something in your new environment or lifestyle that’s affecting you. As a military spouse, I have felt “stuck” with every PCS. The distance from family and friends could be sapping your motivation. It is during this time that a Coach will walk and pray with you providing tools to assist with the transition and become an Overcomer.
We tend to focus on our weaknesses and trying to make those stronger. We are the worst critics of ourselves. Why not focus on your strengths to make those shine brighter to those around you. I’m not saying to become boastful or proud. It’s more fulfilling to reward yourself when you focus on strengthening the areas of your life you are naturally good. But perhaps you’re thinking, “LaVonda, I’m not really good at anything…” Yes, you are…and I can help with that. I participated in a Developmental Assignment with my employer and was assigned a Mentor. One of the assignments was for us to read, Strength Finder 2.0. I discovered a lot about myself, but I went a step further and took Christian DISC Personality Test to help me discover my strengths and areas for growth. This provided greater momentum and increased my motivation in my walk with Christ. There’s something exhilarating about knowing yourself and knowing how to better understand those around you.
Years ago, I didn’t feel I had the time or energy in my schedule to add another item to my “to-do” list. I had to realize that I am important and have value. I deserved “me-time” to refresh and rejuvenate myself. I had allowed the cycle of putting everyone ahead of myself to control my life. I was afraid that the time spent away from my family, friends and serving others would negatively impact them. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Coaching helped me prioritize my life for the better, lessen stress, ignite my passion for ministry and love my family better. All of this added up to help me become a WHOLE WOMAN~ Mind, Soul & Body! This added value to my relationship which positively impacted those around me. I guarantee that investing in my coaching program will do the same for you. (Grab your free discovery call now)
Hiring a coach doesn’t only help you through a season of life. The tools and skills you learn, as well as the depth of reflection, propels you into increased self-confidence, and additional lifelong values. Discovering my core values and how I use them in my daily life has been transforming. This is why hiring a Christian life coach is worth the investment ~ no matter what.
Ready to take the plunge? Let’s have a free discovery call with me, today!
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