Comparison Girl ~ A Book Review
May 25, 2020
GIRL, STOP COMPARING! I was a Comparison Girl. How many of us have lived our lives comparing ourselves to others? We allow thoughts such as “My waist isn’t small enough, my hair isn’t long enough, my skin isn’t tanned enough,” to circle around in our heads like a tornado.
The other day I was walking and couldn’t help, but notice that another woman was wearing a mask that looked more stylish than mine ~ Really? LaVonda, we’re not making a fashion statement, it’s about protecting your health. Why would I compare my mask to hers?
WE MUST STOP THIS CYCLE OF COMPARING! The enemy will take anything that we put our eyes to take our focus off of what is best for us. Comparing ourselves to others is not God’s best for us. God wants us to be confident, secure, and Me-Free in a Measure-Up World.
Shannon invites women to leave measure-up comparison behind and connect with those around them by choosing Jesus’s me-free way of living. It’s a real chance to break free from the shackles of comparison.
She does an outstanding job in her new Bible Study, Comparison Girl: Lessons from Jesus on Me-Free Living in a Measure-Up World. She invites women to leave measure-up comparison behind and connect with those around them by choosing Jesus’s me-free way of living. It’s a real chance to break free from the shackles of comparison.
Comparison has its helpful side and its damaging side. This book focuses on the latter. When asked to read the book, I wasn’t aware that this book would be an excellent Bible Study tool. Each chapter has an introduction and then is divided up into 3-5 lessons allowing women on a time budget to read a Bible passage, engage in a complete train of thought related to the topic, and then make the content personal—all in one sitting.
This book is a timeless topic for every woman — comparison. Who has not compared up or down with someone else on just about anything in life? Who among us wishes that we could tame the comparison beast? Hand Raised!
I was able to identify with her stories which are shared throughout the book with lessons that are applicable to our everyday lives. Her style of writing is funny, inviting and thought-proking which keeps you engaged.
One of my favorite chapters focused on “From Measuring Up to Pouring Out“. The analogy was using a measuring cup to show that Jesus looks at the spout and Satan wants us to look at the lines. The red lines mingled in your cup are all the things that set you apart—your gifts, aptitudes, and talents. Your personality is mixed in, along with your family background. This cup holds your life’s potential, measured out by God. Satan wants you to focus on the lines—holding your cup next to this person’s and that one’s. He says that to make something of yourself, you have to measure up—then he shames you when you don’t.
Jesus, however, turns your attention to your measuring cup’s spout, saying that you were designed, not to measure up, but to pour yourself out. If Jesus had a measuring cup it would be full to the brim and overflowing. He continually poured out to the sick, lame, and among “the least of these”.
I was challenged to take my measuring cup and begin focusing more on the Spout. Jesus turned his measuring cup upside down.
Am I willing to turn my cup upside down? Are you willing to turn your cup upside? When our focus is on the spout we can walk into a room asking, “How can I serve you? Who here needs a hug? What do I have to offer? Where can I pour myself out?” We aren’t focused on comparing ourselves to someone else. We are confident and less self-conscious and able to pour out FREELY.
The more you pour, the more God fills your cup with freedom, confidence, and joy.”
Shannon Popkin leads women away from a life of comparison toward a mind-set of serving. Women compare themselves constantly. On social media, in their neighborhood, at church, at work, even in the school drop-off lane, they glance sideways and ask, “How do I measure up?” Behind all this comparison is an enemy gaining tactical advantage.
Comparison follows women through every stage of life, leading either to a sense of superiority (pride, perfectionism, arrogance, or judgmental criticism) or inferiority (insecurity, shame, jealousy, and self-consciousness). Satan loves to perpetuate comparison-driven bondage and isolation, but Jesus wants to set women free.
Friend, aren’t you ready to be:
- free from self-doubt;
- free from jealousy and envy;
- free from the sting of not measuring up;
- free from endless striving to outdo others or get ahead
Join Us ~ Joyful Journey Community Bible Study group as we begin this amazing Bible study. We will begin focusing on how to be ME-FREE from the lies of the enemy about Comparing.
I am honored to be a part of the Blog Tour for Shannon Popkin to debut her new book.
What steps will you take to stop comparing yourself to someone else today?
Shannon Popkin is a writer, speaker, and Bible teacher who loves pointing others to the truth of God’s Word. She combines her gifts for humor and storytelling with her passion for Jesus. She regularly speaks at Christian women’s events and retreats, encouraging women of all ages to put their hope in God.
Shannon Popkin is also a regular contributor for the Revive Our Hearts True Woman and Leader Connection blogs. Her articles have been published by Family Fun, Focus on the Family Magazine, MOMsense and others. She is the author of several books, including Control Girl: Lessons on Surrendering Your Burden of Control from Seven Women in the Bible, Influence: Building a Platform That Elevates Jesus (Not Me), and Comparison Girl: Lessons from Jesus on Me-Free Living in a Measure-Up World.
Popkin and her husband, Ken, have been married for more than twenty years and live in West Michigan. They have three children—one in high school and two in college.
Connect with Shannon Popkin by visiting, following her on Facebook (shanpopkin), Instagram (shannonpopkin), or Twitter (@ShannonPopkin).
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